Woohoo! Java 9 has a REPL! Getting Started with JShell and Eclipse January

With Java 9 just around the corner, we explore one of its most exciting new features – the Java 9 REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop). This REPL is called JShell and it’s a great addition to the Java platform. Here’s why.

With JShell you can easily try out new features and quickly check the behaviour of a section of code. You don’t have to create a long-winded dummy main or JUnit test – simply type away.  To demonstrate the versatility of JShell, I am going to use it in conjunction with the Eclipse January package for data structures. Eclipse January is a set of libraries for handling numerical data in Java, think of it as a ‘numpy for Java’.

Install JShell

JShell is part of Java 9, currently available in an Early Access version from Oracle and other sources. Download and install Java 9 JDK from http://jdk.java.net/9/ or, if you have it available on your platform, you can install with your package manager (e.g. sudo apt-get install openjdk-9-jdk).

Start a terminal and run JShell:capture1

As you can see, JShell allows you to type normal Java statements, leave off semi-colons, run expressions, access expressions from previous outputs, and achieve many other short-cuts. (You can exit JShell with Ctrl-D.)

Using JShell with Eclipse January

To use Eclipse January, you need to:

1. Download January:

Get the January 2.0.2 jar ( or older version January 2.0.1 jar).

2. Download the dependency jars:

The January dependencies are available from Eclipse Orbit, they are:

3. Run JShell again, but add to the classpath all the jars you downloaded (remember to be the in the directory you downloaded the jars to):


"c:\Program Files\Java\jdk-9\bin\jshell.exe"  --class-path org.eclipse.january_2.0.2.v201706051401.jar;org.apache.commons.lang_2.6.0.v201404270220.jar;org.apache.commons.math3_3.5.0.v20160301-1110.jar;org.slf4j.api_1.7.10.v20170428-1633.jar;org.slf4j.binding.nop_1.7.10.v20160301-1109.jar


jshell --class-path org.eclipse.january_2.0.2.v201706051401.jar:org.apache.commons.lang_2.6.0.v201404270220.jar:org.apache.commons.math3_3.5.0.v20160301-1110.jar:org.slf4j.api_1.7.10.v20170428-1633.jar:org.slf4j.binding.nop_1.7.10.v20160301-1109.jar

Some notes:
Some version of jshell the command line argument is called -classpath instead of --class-path
If you are using git bash as your shell on Windows, add winpty before calling jshell and use colons to separate the path elements.


Then you can run through the different types of January commands. Note JShell supports completions using the ‘Tab’ key. Also use /! to rerun the last command.

Import classes

Start by importing the needed classes:

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.*

(No need for semi-colons and you can use the normally ill-advised * import)

Array Creation

Eclipse January supports straightforward creation of arrays. Let’s say we want to create a 2-dimensional array with the following data:

[1.0, 2.0, 3.0,
 4.0, 5.0, 6.0,
 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]

First we can create a new dataset:

Dataset dataset = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 })

This gives us a 1-dimensional array with 9 elements, as shown below:

[1.0000000, 2.0000000, 3.0000000, 4.0000000, 5.0000000, 6.0000000, 7.0000000, 8.0000000, 9.0000000]

We then need to reshape it to be a 3×3 array:

dataset = dataset.reshape(3, 3)

The reshaped dataset:

 [[1.0000000, 2.0000000, 3.0000000],
 [4.0000000, 5.0000000, 6.0000000],
 [7.0000000, 8.0000000, 9.0000000]]

Or we can do it all in just one step:

Dataset another = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 }).reshape(3, 3)

Another dataset:

 [[1.0000000, 1.0000000, 2.0000000],
 [3.0000000, 5.0000000, 8.0000000],
 [13.000000, 21.000000, 34.000000]]

There are methods for obtaining the shape and number of dimensions of datasets


Which gives us:

jshell> dataset.getShape()
$8 ==> int[2] { 3, 3 }

jshell> dataset.getRank()
$9 ==> 2

Datasets also provide functionality for ranges and a random function that all allow easy creation of arrays:

Dataset dataset = DatasetFactory.createRange(15, Dataset.INT32).reshape(3, 5)

[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4],
 [5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
 [10, 11, 12, 13, 14]]

import org.eclipse.january.dataset.Random //specify Random class (see this is why star imports are normally bad)
Dataset another = Random.rand(new int[]{3,5})

[[0.27243843, 0.69695728, 0.20951172, 0.13238926, 0.82180144],
 [0.56326222, 0.94307839, 0.43225034, 0.69251040, 0.22602319],
 [0.79244049, 0.15865358, 0.64611131, 0.71647195, 0.043613393]]

Array Operations

The org.eclipse.january.dataset.Maths provides rich functionality for operating on the Dataset classes. For instance, here’s how you could add 2 Dataset arrays:

Dataset add = Maths.add(dataset, another)

Or you could do it as an inplace addition. The example below creates a new 3×3 array and then adds 100 to each element of the array.

Dataset inplace = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }).reshape(3, 3)

[[101.0000000, 102.0000000, 103.0000000],
 [104.0000000, 105.0000000, 106.0000000],
 [107.0000000, 108.0000000, 109.0000000]]


Datasets simplify extracting portions of the data, known as ‘slices’. For instance, given the array below, let’s say we want to extract the data 2, 3, 5 and 6.

[1, 2, 3,
 4, 5, 6,
 7, 8, 9]

This data resides in the first and second rows and the second and third columns. For slicing, indices for rows and columns are zero-based. A basic slice consists of a start and stop index, where the start index is inclusive and the stop index is exclusive. An optional increment may also be specified. So this example would be expressed as:

Dataset dataset = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }).reshape(3, 3)
Dataset slice = dataset.getSlice(new Slice(0, 2), new Slice(1, 3))

slice of dataset:

[[2.0000000, 3.0000000],
 [5.0000000, 6.0000000]]

Slicing and array manipulation functionality is particularly valuable when dealing with 3-dimensional or n-dimensional data.


For more on Eclipse January see the following examples and give them a go in JShell:

  • NumPy Examples shows how common NumPy constructs map to Eclipse Datasets.
  • Slicing Examples demonstrates slicing, including how to slice a small amount of data out of a dataset too large to fit in memory all at once.
  • Error Examples demonstrates applying an error to datasets.
  • Iteration Examples demonstrates a few ways to iterate through your datasets.
  • Lazy Examples demonstrates how to use datasets which are not entirely loaded in memory.

Eclipse January is a ‘numpy for Java’ but until now users have not really been able to play around with it in the same way you would numpy in Python.

JShell provides a great way to test drive libraries like Eclipse January. There are a couple of features that would be nice-to-have such as a magic variable for the last result (maybe $_ or $!) and maybe a shorter way to print a result (maybe /p :-). But overall, it is great to have and finally gives Java the REPL and ability to be used interactively that many have gotten so used to with other programming languages.

In fact we will be making good use of JShell for the Eclipse January workshop being held at EclipseCon France, see details and register here:  https://www.eclipsecon.org/france2017/session/eclipse-january


What is it like to work in Open-source?

Open-source software (OSS) is computer software with its source code made available with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose. – Wikipedia


I am Yannick Mayeur, a French computer science student currently gaining work experience at Kichwa Coders in the UK, and this is how I feel about working with Open-source.

Why Open-source ?

Let me tell you a story. A company asks someone in their software team to build some software to do a certain task. It takes him a lot of time but he manages to do it. He is the only one working on the project so there are no comments in the code nor any documentation to help maintain the code. He later leaves the company, the software slowly becomes useless as nobody else knows how to use it.

If this company had created an Open-source project instead, this problem wouldn’t have occurred.

Help spread Open-source – or ensure a job for life by using this guerrilla guide on how to write unmaintainable code. But seriously don’t.  Continue reading “What is it like to work in Open-source?”

What can Eclipse developers learn from Team Sky’s aggregation of marginal gains?

The concept of marginal gains, made famous by Team Sky, has revolutionized some sports. The principle is that if you make 1% improvements in a number of areas, in the long run the cumulative gains will be hugely significant. And in that vein, a 1% decline here-and-there will lead to significant problems further down the line.

So how could we apply that principle to the user experience (UX) of Eclipse C/C++ Development (CDT) tools? What would happen if we continuously improved lots of small things in Eclipse CDT? Such as the build console speed? Or a really annoying message in the debugger source window? It is still too soon to analyse the impact of these changes but we believe even the smallest positive change will be worth it. Plus it is a great way to get new folks involved with the project. Here’s a guest post from Pierre Sachot, a computer science student at IUT Blagnac who is currently doing open-source work experience with Kichwa Coders. Pierre has written an experience report on fixing his very first CDT UX issue.


This week I worked with Yannick on fixing the CDT CSourceNotFoundEditor problem – the unwanted error message that Eclipse CDT shows when users are running the debugger and jumping into a function which is in another project file. When Eclipse CDT users were running the debugger on the C Project, a window was opening on screen. This window was both alarming in appearance and obtrusive. In addition, the message itself was unclear. For example, it could display “No source available for 0x02547”, which is irrelevent to the user because he/she does not have an access to this memory address. Several users had complained about it and expressed a desire to disable the window (see: stack overflow: “Eclipse often opens editors for hex numbers (addresses?) then fails to load anything”). In this post I will show you how we replaced CSourceUserNot FoundEditor with a better user experience display.

Continue reading “What can Eclipse developers learn from Team Sky’s aggregation of marginal gains?”

Getting Started With Gerrit on Eclipse CDT

This is a guest post from Yannick Mayeur, a computer science student at IUT Blagnac who is currently doing open-source work experience with Kichwa Coders. It was originally one of his weekly write-ups which can be found here.

You are probaly familiar with the pull request system of GitHub that programmers use to contribute to an open-source project. Gerrit (named after its designer Gerrit Rietveld) is basically an improved version of this system. Gerrit allows the committer to give more precise feedback on each line of code edited, and allows other members of the team to review those changes. Gerrit is used by the Eclipse CDT community. In this blog post I will show you how to efficiently get started with it.

The required tools & knowledge

Having Git is basically all you need to clone the sources, and push them. If you want to edit them in a good environment use the Eclipse JAVA IDE. Knowing the basics of Git is also required, though I think you could pick up Git as you go along with a bit of trial and error.

How to get the sources of CDT

Cloning the sources to your computer is an easy but essential task.

The link of the repository is: git://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/cdt/org.eclipse.cdt

To clone use the following command:

git clone git://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/cdt/org.eclipse.cdt

Once you have the files, go to Bugzilla and find a bug you want to fix.

Pushing the changes to Gerrit

Now comes the tricky part. In order for you to be able to push your change a few things have to be respected. Continue reading “Getting Started With Gerrit on Eclipse CDT”