ConPTY Performance in Eclipse Terminal


For many years the Eclipse IDE has provided an integrated terminal (called Eclipse TM Terminal) and now maintained by the Eclipse CDT team. On Windows the terminal uses the amazing WinPTY library to provide a PTY as Windows did not come with one. For the last number of years, Windows 10 has a native version called Windows Pseudo Console (ConPTY) which programs such as VSCode and Eclipse Theia have converted to using, in part because of the fundamental bugs that can’t be fixed in WinPTY. The WinPTY version in Eclipse is also quite out of date, and hard to develop as it is interfaced to by JNI.

For Eclipse 2021-06 the Eclipse CDT will be releasing a preview version of the terminal that will use ConPTY. For interfacing to ConPTY we are using JNA which is much easier to develop because all the interfacing is in the Java code.

One of the open questions I had was whether there would be a performance issue because of the change to ConPTY. In particular, while JNA is slower for some things the ease of use of JNA normally far outweighs the performance hit. But I wanted to make sure our use case wasn’t a problem and that there wasn’t anything else getting in the way of the terminal’s performance.

Shell to Eclipse Terminal Performance

I have analyzed the performance of a process running in the shell writing to stdout as fast as possible to compare various different terminal options on my Windows machine. The Java program creates a byte[] of configurable size and writes that all to System.out.write() in one go, with some simple wall clock timing around it. See the SpeedTest attachment for the source.

I used 5 terminal programs to test the performance:

  • Windows Command – the classic terminal when you run cmd.exe for example
  • Eclipse with WinPTY
  • Eclipse with ConPTY
  • Windows Terminal (from the people who wrote conpty)
  • VSCode’s integrated terminal using ConPTY

And in each of them I ran the same Java program in 3 different shells:

  • cmd.exe
  • WSL2 running Ubuntu bash
  • git bash

Short summary is that WinPTY and Windows Command are much faster than the rest. ConPTY is quite a bit slower, whether used in Eclipse or Windows Terminal. VSCode is dramatically slower than the rest.

cmd.exeWSL2git bash
Windows Command8.33.54.2
Eclipse with WinPTY12.51.67.7
Eclipse with ConPTY1.81.72.0
Windows Terminal2.22.12.4
Full table of results based on a 10MiB write, reported in MiB/second, rounded to nearest 0.1 MiB/s:

As a comparison, on the same machine dual-booted into Xubuntu 18.04 I ran the following 5 terminals:

  • Eclipse – 23.1 MiB/s
  • VSCode – 3.0 MiB/s
  • xterm – 6.3 MiB/s
  • xfce4-terminal – 10.7 MiB/s
  • gnome-terminal – 10.2 MiB/s

The above shows that the raw speed of Eclipse Terminal is very good, it simply requires the best possible PTY layer to achieve the best speeds.

Eclipse Terminal to Shell Performance

I was going to run an Eclipse -> Shell test to make sure writes to the terminal hadn’t regressed. However the terminal has an artificial throttle in this path that limits performance to around 0.01 MiB/s, plenty fast to type, but much slower than a performant system could be. The code could probably be revisited because presumably the new ConPTY does not suffer from these buffering issues, and the throttling probably should not be there for non-Windows at all.


I am pleased that the performance of ConPTY with JNA is close to the new dedicated Microsoft Terminal and much faster than VSCode. Therefore I plan to focus my time on other areas of the terminal, like WSL integration and bug fixes with larger impacts. I am grateful to the community’s contributions and I will happily support/test/integrate any improvements, such as the upcoming Ctrl-Click functionality that was contributed by Fabrizio Iannetti and will be available in Eclipse IDE 2021-06.

Because much of the performance slowdown is because of ConPTY itself, which is actively being developed at Microsoft I hope that Eclipse will benefit from those performance improvements over time. There is no plan to remove the WinPTY implementation anytime soon, so if there is a user who feels impacted by the slowdown I encourage them to reach out to the community (cdt-dev mailing list, tweet me, comment on this bug or create a bug report).

CDT has been reformatted!

Eclipse CDT has just had all its source code reformatted. That means I just pushed a massive set of commits with a huge git shortstat:

$ git diff --shortstat  3cf0297769..HEAD
 10806 files changed, 697885 insertions(+), 593225 deletions(-)

That also means that any commit/patch you have on CDT before the reformat will almost certainly not apply cleanly.

Therefore I have created this guide for you to reformat your commit and make it easier for you to submit your updated patch to gerrit.

To be able to rebase your commit onto the current master you need to create a version of it with the new formatting. At a high-level the steps we are going to do are:

  1. Reformat your commit with CDT’s new coding style
  2. Create a commit against the pre-formatted CDT that has only the files your commit changed formatted – but without your other changes

The diff between 1 and 2 above is an updated version of the diff for your real change.

Step-by-step this breaks down as:


  • Modern bash shell with sed, awk, grep, git, python, etc
    • I am using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and python 2.7
  • Eclipse EASE with Py4J Python language support
  • Eclipse workspace setup for CDT development, follow the standard setup on the wiki and perform these extra steps:
  • Copy releng/scripts/ somewhere outside of your gitroot so you can access it as the branches change later
  • Set ECLIPSE environment variable to path to eclipse on your machine to make some of the commands below easier to copy/paste

Step 1: Checkout the commit to rebase

First step is to checkout in CDT repo the commit you want to rebase onto current master. For example if you are updating a commit in gerrit, you could press Download in the top right and copy/paste the Checkout command:


Step 2: Reformat commit to new style

Start by creating a new branch to work on:

git checkout -b commit_to_rebase
Then rebase your change onto commit 35996a5c5ca, where all the per-project formatter settings have been applied, but the code has not been formatted yet. If your original commit is not too far behind this will finish without conflicts. If you have any conflicts, resolve them now.
git rebase 35996a5c5ca5c254959ba48241eaada6dbf8628d

Reformat the code to current standard using the following steps:

Step 2a: Close open editors in Eclipse

The EASE script will run on all open editors, so make sure to start with no open editors.

Step 2b: Open all the Java files modified in your commit

Using git’s diff-tree command we can get all the Java files as a list and then open them with Eclipse.
git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r commit_to_rebase -- *.java | xargs $ECLIPSE

Step 2c: Run

With Eclipse EASE run

  1. Create a new Run Launch Configuration of type EASE Script
  2. In Script Source browse the filesystem to where you saved earlier
  3. Ensure Execution Engine is set to Python (Py4J)
  4. Press Run

Each open editor will have the clean up actions run, and then be closed.

Step 2d: Remove trailing whitespace in files

CDT’s code standards require trailing whitespace to be removed from all files marked with remove trailing whitespace in .gitattributes. To do this, run this bit of shell:

git show master:.gitattributes | awk '/# remove trailing whitespace/{getline; print $1}' |
    while read i ; do
        echo "Removing trailing whitespace on $i files"
        git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r commit_to_rebase -- "$i" | xargs --no-run-if-empty sed -i 's/[ \t]*$//'

Step 2e: Save/commit cleanup changes

Update the change to now contain the formatted files.
git add -u
git commit --amend --reuse-message=HEAD

Step 3: Create a base commit to compare against

In this step create a commit that has only the files modified in the original commit cleaned up, but no other ones. This will be the base for the diff we create later.

Step 3a: Create a new branch

Start by checking out to a new branch the same commit as above with the formatter settings

git checkout 35996a5c5ca5c254959ba48241eaada6dbf8628d -b commit_to_format

Step 3b: Cleanup the modified files

Repeat Step 2a to Step 2d above to cleanup the files.

Step 3c: Save/commit cleanup changes

Save the files which are now formatted, but without the change you wish to rebase in a commit
git add -u
git commit -m"formatted files"

Step 4: Create a new commit that can be cherry-picked to master

Apply the change so you have a history on commit_to_format branch that is two ahead of 35996a5c5c, the first being the formatted files created in step 3, the second being the change we are trying to get onto master, which will be created now

Step 4a: Diff and apply the change

Diff the two branches we just made, that diff is the real work you are trying to get on master, and apply that diff
git diff commit_to_format..commit_to_rebase | git apply

Step 4b: Commit the change

Save the edit, reusing your original commit message (and therefore Change-Id!)
git add -u
git commit --reuse-message=commit_to_rebase

Step 5: Cherry-pick the new commit onto master

You now have a commit, marked with commit_to_format, that can be cherry-picked onto master. If other commits have made a conflicting edit since the reformat you may have some conflicts to resolve when you do this cherry-pick
git checkout master
git cherry-pick commit_to_format

Step 6: Push commit to gerrit

Push your commit now that it is ready, if you are using gerrit you can do:

git push origin master:refs/for/master

Step 7: Clean up your branches

Once you are done make sure to remove the branches you don’t need anymore.

git branch -D commit_to_rebase
git branch -D commit_to_format

All done!

And that is it. Hopefully you have now recreated your patch with just a few automated steps, instead of a painful manual copy+paste job. These instructions are also in the CDT repo in releng/scripts/

This set of steps shows that there are still some more automatable things that could be done. In particular being able to run Code Clean Ups from the command line in Eclipse would be really nice. Eclipse’s Java code formatter can be run from the command line.

And finally, join in on the cdt-dev mailing list!

Rethinking Developer Tools & the Future of IDEs


I always want more time in my day. And that’s because I waste all my time trying to think of new ways that would save me time. Which brings me to Github pull requests. One thing I often wish for when reviewing a Github PR: why can’t I quickly jump to the definition of a method being used? Or see where else that piece of code is being called from? Some quick code navigation features would help me do reviews better and quicker. I’ve been spoilt on code completion features in Eclipse IDE and now I want them everywhere. Luckily I get to be in a position I can aim to make that happen.

In thinking about how we can make developer tools and features ubiquitous, I came up with my latest talk: the future of IDEs. I first did this talk within the Internet of Things domain at Thingmonk and had some great feedback.  James Governor of Redmonk had this to say about it:

Tracy Miranda, founder of Kichwa Coders, gave us a whistlestop tour of the future of dev tools for IoT. Miranda is a fixture in the Eclipse community, but did a great job of laying out the tools landscape. And of course Microsoft Visual Studio Code got a favourable mention (so much love out there for Code right now, it’s the modern goldilocks text editor). That said, for programming digital twins, she argued we’re going to need visual tools and models, beyond a text editor. Node-Red of course also got a mention.

This talk covers everything from the massive fragmentation with languages and frameworks to making our developer tools more visual, smarter and really so they work everywhere. Even in Github PRs. If you work in developing tools or have strong opinions about how developer tools should work, then this talk is a must watch.

After Thingmonk and the great feedback, I got to refine the talk and present it at Jax London as the ‘Future of IDEs‘. That talk wasn’t recorded but we did manage to have a quick chat about it afterwards, check out the short version (+ extras) here:

The Eclipse Debug Perspective just got a lot better

A Debug Menu!
The next major release of Eclipse (4.8 aka Photon) due in June 2018 has a small – but significant – new feature. The next version will have a Debug menu!


This improves things in two ways:

  • No more going to awkwardly names Run menu when you want to Debug
  • A less full Run menu as the sometimes overlong Run menu is now split into two distinct and logical parts.

Better Default Layout in Debug Perspective

The first thing I do whenever I create a new workspace is change to the Debug Perspective and do most of my work in that perspective, rarely changing to other perspectives. I re-position the views in the perspective in my own special way, or so I thought until I found out that lots of other developers also prefer roughly the same layout as I have. The new default layout gives more place to the editor and more vertical space to the Debug view (the one with the stack traces).

Here is what the new layout looks like with a few additional views open:


So what?

“So what?” I hear you say, “these are small changes, not earth shattering new features.” Changes like this are a big deal, thanks to the marginal gains principle. Eclipse has been a very stable top class IDE for years, but you may have noticed that things haven’t been changing as much in the last number of years. Part of this is down to it being a great IDE already, but other stuff is at play here. Making fundamental changes like the default layout to probably the most commonly used perspective and changing the top level debug menu is a sign that the Eclipse community is alive and well, that the ideas are still coming in. But it also means that the leaders in the community are open to change and evolution. If we don’t evolve we die.

What this means for extenders and plug-in writers?

If you, like me, are developing and extending Eclipse there is some impact on you to. For example, if you are contributing a clearly debug related task to the Run menu, you probably want to start contributing it to the Debug menu going forward. Both so your users can find it and so it does not stand out as being in the wrong place. You probably also want to consider the default opening location for any additional views you provide to the Debug perspective to ensure they pop-up in the logical place.

Of course it goes further than this. You should also take a step back and consider how your tools work. Perhaps it is time to do a Lean Design Critique?

Can’t wait until June?

If you can’t wait until June to get a hold of these improvements, you can pick them up in the latest nightly build, or wait until the Photon M4 milestone build in a few weeks. You can download the full packages from or the Eclipse Platform/SDK on its own from


Finally thank you to the Eclipse Platform committers and contributors who are taking the bold steps to change and evolve. A particular thanks to Andrey Loskutov, from whom I borrowed the screenshots from (via Bug 464898 and Bug 513355), see Andrey announcement on the Eclipse mailing list:

Beware diversity-led marketing (& three cheers for these companies doing diversity right)


There’s an increased level of discussion on improving diversity in tech communities. Or maybe it was always there and I just started paying attention. Either way, it’s a really good thing. But in the mix there is definitely a certain amount of diversity-led marketing e.g “We need more women-in-tech! Women, sign up for this tech course here…”.  Some are more obvious than others.

What about tech conferences? Take the case of a tech conference getting some promotion off the back of free diversity tickets. Is that just diversity-led marketing and a bad thing? After all it’s great to get underrepresented folks into conferences, right? The answer is if it is done in isolation then it is probably just self-serving marketing and pr. Underrepresented folks aren’t merely props for your agenda

Diversity is complicated. It’s easy to get it wrong and end up like the conference organizers who violated their own code-of-conduct and had a speaker cancel their talk.  Or fall into the Google case of  trying to inspire teen girls to code while simultaneously systematically limiting the careers of women in your company.  Again diversity is complicated, so we all want to focus our energies on those doing it the right way.

Open source has a worse record than most when it comes to diversity.  At this year’s Eclipsecon Europe, as with every tech conference I attend, I did my own evaluation of what’s being done well and not so well. This year, I noticed a few companies who are doing something right as evidenced by the women and underrepresented minorities that are in leadership positions.

  1. IBM – IBM had a noticeably improved presence at this year’s conference. I learnt that they actively encouraged speaker proposals. If a talk is accepted, there are good company policies in place to ensure speakers can travel and attend the conferences. As a result we had four awesome women speakers from IBM, not just any speakers, but experts in their respective fields: Eclipse JDT leads Noopur Gupta and Sarika Sinha, Eclipse SWT committer Lakshmi Shanmugam and Eclipse Microprofile committer Emily Jiang.
  2. OBEOOBEO specialize in graphical modelling and are well respected in the community. Melanie Bats is one of the rockstars in the community, doing terrific and imaginitive tech talks and also recently took over as the Eclipse Planning council lead. OBEO recently promoted Melanie to CTO, which is written about beautifully here: Zero-to-CTO.
  3. BREDEX – BREDEX specialize in testing and are well represented at EclipseCon by the indefatigable Alex Schladebeck. Alex can be found leading the highly enjoyable Kahoot quiz at EclipseCon as well as heading up the Project Quality day. Doing great things in the testing world, it was great to learn that Alex has been promoted to  ‘Head of Software Quality and Test Consulting’ at BREDEX.

These three companies set a great example for the rest of us, not to mention make us better at our work as a community. Which brings me to the picture at the top of this blog post. I like to get setup really early before I do a tech talk, especially one in a huge room with a massive screen. So while getting setup, Jonah Graham of Kichwa Coders and Sarika Sinha of IBM got into a discussion about debugger protocols and threading issues. To discuss the finer points my laptop was commandeered and out came the code. It was one of those serendipitous moments and I didn’t want my pre-talk nerves to stop them. So I took a seat and took pictures while taking deep breaths. I think my talk went well anyway. That one conversation really informed our thinking on our work on the future of debuggers. And really it reminded me in a powerful way how things are always better the more different types of people you get involved. And little moments like these make it all worthwhile, and worth doing right, in the best way possible.